Medical and Orthopedic Massage
in St George Utah

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Medical Massage Pros

Medical and Orthopedic Massage in St George UT

The massage that relieves pain through restoring function to the tissues and increasing range of motion.

Medical Massage

Medical And Orthopedic Massage In St George UT

The massage that relieves pain because it restores function to the tissues and increases range of motion.

How Can We Help You?

If you’ve ever had a massage that felt nice at the time…but then you got up from the table and felt the same as you did before your massage, you’ve experienced a typical spa massage.

Our goal is to help you feel good AND be able to move pain-free in the long run (not just helping you relax for an hour). 

This type of massage can both treat pain and aide in healing for:



Minor Muscle/Tendon Repair


Forward Head Postures

Pinched Nerves



Plantar Fasciitis/Foot Pain/Bunions

Back Spasms/Pain

Frozen Shoulder

Rotator Cuff Injuries


High Blood Pressure

Sacroiliac Joint Pain (SI pain)

Carpal Tunnel

Hip Pain



Iliotibial Band (ITB) Issues


Cervical Pain

Knee Pain

Shin Splints

Condromalacia Patella (Runner’s Knee)



C-section/Abdominal Scars

Leg Pain



Lumbosacral Dysfunction

Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow


Muscle Tightness/Tension

Whiplash Injuries

How Can We Help You?

If you’ve ever had a massage that felt nice at the time…but then you got up from the table and felt the same as you did before your massage, you’ve experienced a typical spa massage.

Our goal is to help you feel good AND be able to move pain-free in the long run (not just helping you relax for an hour). 

This type of massage can both treat pain and aide in healing for:

✔️ Anxiety

✔️ Arthritis

✔️ Asthma

✔️ Back Spasms/Pain

✔️ Bursitis

✔️ Carpal Tunnel

✔️ Cellulite

✔️ Cervical Pain

✔️ Condromalacia Patella (Runner’s Knee)

✔️ Depression

✔️ Fatigue

✔️ Fibromyalgia

✔️ Forward Head Postures

✔️ Fractures

✔️ Frozen Shoulder

✔️ High Blood Pressure

✔️ Hip Pain

✔️ Iliotibial Band (ITB) Issues

✔️ Knee Pain

✔️ Kyphosis

✔️ Leg Pain

✔️ Lumbosacral Dysfunction

✔️ Muscle Tightness/Tension

✔️ Minor Muscle/Tendon Repair

✔️ Pinched Nerves

✔️ Plantar Fasciitis/Foot Pain/Bunions

✔️ Rotator Cuff Injuries

✔️ Sacroiliac Joint Pain (SI pain)

✔️ Sciatica

✔️ Scoliosis

✔️ Shin Splints

✔️ Stress

✔️ Tendinosis

✔️ Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow

✔️ Whiplash Injuries

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Choose Your Session

All massages available are completely  personalized to your needs and use a combination of massage styles (which could include Orthopedic, Therapeutic, Lymphatic, Structural, Trigger Point, Myofascial, PNF Stretching, Positional Release, Tapotement, Swedish, Deep Tissue, etc.) that will best promote healing for you.

Options for Gua Sha, Hot Stones, Cupping, Stretching, Aromatherapy, and Fascial Blast Massage Gun add-ons are available in scheduling.

Read our aroma therapy options ingredient list here.

Gift cards are also available to be purchased in scheduling

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50 Minute Massage

$ 99
00 50 Minute
  • One 50 Minute Massage.
  • For body maintenance and to treat chronic pain, musculoskeletal pain, structural rehabilitation, injuries, and general discomfort.
  • Results can last up to 1-3 months, compared to 3-5 days with general massage.
  • Longer and shorter times available

Medical Massage Club

$ 85
00 Month
  • Includes one 50 Minute massage credit
  • Unused massage credits roll-over to the next month so you can still use them all
  • Additional massages throughout the month may be scheduled at club discount for $79/50 Minutes.
  • Get a 25% Discount on all massage add-ons (cupping, hot stones, etc.)
  • Participation in the Medical Massage Club may be cancelled at any time. We don’t do contracts locking you in for months or years.

80 Minute Massage

$ 149
00 80 Minute
  • One 80 Minute Massage.
  • For body maintenance and to treat chronic pain, musculoskeletal pain, structural rehabilitation, injuries, and general discomfort.
  • Results can last up to 1-3 months, compared to 3-5 days with general massage.
  • Longer and shorter times available.

Massage in St George, Massage in St George Ut, Massage in St George Utah, Massage Therapist in St George, Massage Places in St George,

Would You Like To:

✔️ Lower Stress

Massage therapy can relieve stress and conditions associated with it, such as tension headaches.

✔️ Increase Immune Function

Medical research indicates that massage can boost immune system strength by increasing the activity level of the body’s natural virus-fighting cells.

✔️ Boost Mental Health

Research suggests that symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression may improve with massage therapy.

✔️ Manage Pain

Pain is the most compelling reason to get medical attention. Massage has been shown in studies to provide relief from pain for months after a session.

✔️ Improve Physical Fitness

Massage therapy can also reduce muscle tension, improve exercise performance, and help prevent injuries. Recovery is majorly sped up.

You can have the relief and health you want with massage.

Source: American Massage Therapy Association

New Client Special Offer


(That’s only $59 for a 50 Minute Session)

Click below to schedule your first massage with us and select the ‘Introductory’ option to have your special pricing automatically applied.